Eugene is facing an unprecedented housing shortage. I have been working for the past decade to dismantle the systematic barriers to housing in Eugene that have led us to the crisis we are in today and to support the creation of more affordable housing. There has been progress, but I will continue this work until all Eugenians can find a home that meets their needs and budget.
Everyone in our community is suffering because of homelessness—both our unhoused neighbors and those with housing. Ensuring that there is enough affordable housing is only one piece of a puzzle with no easy answers. We all need to be involved in the solutions. I’ll work closely with our partners at the county and state, as well as the non-profit and business communities, to ensure that we are all doing our part to build a Eugene where all of our residents can feel safe and welcome.

Climate change is already here. We can’t delay any longer in mitigating our impact and preparing for a challenging future. We need to offer more, and easier, choices that lessen our climate impact and future-proof our community. Whether it is making it more feasible for Eugenians to get around without a gas-powered car or building more energy efficient homes, I am committed to supporting the changes we need to shift our trajectory to a more climate-friendly future.
Fiscal Stewardship
Eugene is facing significant budget shortfalls, and there are tough decisions on the horizon. Eugene residents have said time and time again what their priorities are as a community. I will ensure that, as we stabilize our finances, we don’t lose sight of our core community priorities.